
.. bbq goodness ..

It's still hot here in California, so we're still taking advantage of the great weather to do some grilling. My mom and I barbecued for the family a couple of weeks ago. Take a look at the results!

Caprese salad as an appetizer! I reduced some balsamic vinegar with a touch of honey, salt, and pepper to drizzle atop the mozzarella/tomatoes/basil, in addition to the extra virgin olive oil.

Roasted vegetables, including some beautiful purple potatoes. The color is extraordinary!

My mom was busy at the grill. Looks like pork and chicken here, but she also had steak on the grill as well.

In addition to all of this, we had a nice summer salad, garlic fried rice, some fettuccine in olive oil and herbs, and Asian style noodles as accompaniments to all the meat.

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