
.. fancy du jour | 02.26.10 ..

The women's figure skating really delivered yesterday!! I think I have a minor girl crush on Yu-Na Kim. She beat the competition by a crazy margin. Funny story, I had no knowledge of Yu-Na before the Olympics, but you wouldn't think so if you saw me drinking from one of my mugs. The thing is, I frequent a Korean bakery (no surprise there) for all these delicious baked goods, and the bakery happened to be giving mugs out with a "very famous figure skating star" printed on the mug. Turns out is was Yu-Na all along. Here I was, taking the mug just to be polite!

I won't post the video of her long program, because NBC is a pain and doesn't allow you to embed their Olympics videos. So, instead, enjoy a video of Yu-Na selling a phone. She's so cute and sells all sorts of products in Korea!

Double fancy today, because I also loved me some Joannie Rochette. She won the bronze yesterday for Canada, for her and her dad, and of course, for her mom. She was so courageous and strong. She attacked that program with everything she had.

Image via LA Times

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